Thursday, December 1, 2011

Brick Surface Cleaning Methods

Bricks are materials commonly used and seen on most houses in America and on countries that go through the winter season. Maintaining brick surfaces is quite manageable and simple to accomplish due to its basic cleaning processes. However, the task can be quite difficult and physically demanding regardless of how basic and simple the task would be. There are two methods when it comes to cleaning bricks. Both of these techniques though are proven to be successful and effective in dealing with all sorts of stains.

Although cleaning bricks surfaces may seem to be a piece of cake due to the simplicity of the work, many homeowners find this job quite a difficult task as it consumes much of their time and energy. It is very important that you get all the angles and hard to reach spots cleaned before you can declare that your job is through. Learning how to get rid of stuffs stuck on your brick wall, floor, and various surfaces is essential in keeping them elegant and at their tip top condition.

Dry Method – when using this method, it is very important that you let the cleansing solution on the surface for at least a few minutes in order for it to sit on the material and dry out. Do not brush or work on the area while it is still wet with the solution as it would not be as effective when it is dry. Preparation is equally important to the success of this procedure. Cleaning the surface by removing dirt, dust, and debris from the brick materials is essential in order to minimize the scope of work that you need to accomplish. You can do this by dusting it off with a feather duster, broom, or by using a vacuum cleaner to suction the unwanted stuffs. The latter would be the best option, however if you do not have the tool, you can always stick with the first option. Mix table salt, soap, and hot water on a piece of container and distribute it on the brick surface. Let it dry for a while and resume by brushing off the dried substance. Rinse with clean water and you have a fresh-looking brick surface.

Wet Method – this is quite similar to the previous method although it accomplishes the task while it is still wet. Removal of dust and debris prior to the actual cleaning work is important to make sure that there are no unnecessary things that will add up to the task later on. You will need a good amount of dishwashing soap and some ample amount of water for the job. Mix the soap with the water in a bucket and skillfully distribute or pour it on the surface where you will be brushing off the blemishes. Make sure that the area you want to clean is properly covered with the solution. Brush until you remove the stain off the surface and repeat the process until you are satisfied with the outcome of your maintenance task.

Robin Jackson - I also write about hot stone supplies including a hot stone massage kit

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